Apple 共同创办人Steve Jobs 逝世周年!
2012-10-06 01:29

一年前的今天,是Apple共同创办人Steve Jobs过世的日子。今天如果您打开Apple官方网站,将会看见下方这段怀念他的影片,以及现任执行长Tim Cook写的一段留言。

影片由Steve 的黑白照片组成,搭配他在自己最钟爱的舞台——产品发表会上所说过的话,影片中所收录的不完全是那些人们熟知的名言锦句,而是他在发表会前排练许多次、展现他对自家产品情感的话语:



当然,还有他在2007 年的发表会上,用第一代iPhone 拨了一通电话对当地星巴克店员开的小玩笑。


It's in Apple's DNA. The technology alone is not enough. It's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing.

在Apple 的DNA 里,只有科技是不够的。唯有科技与人文、与人性结合,产生的结果才能触动人心。

以下是Tim Cook 所以写的留言全文:

Steve's passing one year ago today was a sad and difficult time for all of us. I hope that today everyone will reflect on his extraordinary life and the many ways he made the world a better place.

对我们所有人来说,一年前的今天因为Steve 的过世成了令人伤心、感到艰困的时刻。我希望今天所大家都能思考他那不平凡的一生,以及他为了让世界变得更好所做的一切。

One of the greatest gifts Steve gave to the world is Apple. No company has ever inspired such creativity or set such high standards for itself. Our values?? originated from Steve and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. We share the great privilege and responsibility of carrying his legacy into the future.

Steve 送给世界最棒的礼物就是Apple。没有一家公司曾经激发出这么多的创造力,或是为自己设立如此高的标准。我们的价值源自于Steve,他的灵魂将永远成为Apple 的基石。我们将共同承担将其遗产带往未来的殊荣与责任。

I'm incredibly proud of the work we are doing, delivering products that our customers love and dreaming up new ones that will delight them down the road. It's a wonderful tribute to Steve's memory and everything he stood for.

我对我们正在进行的工作感到非常自豪,推出深受顾客喜爱的产品,让他们对未来的新产品充满想像。这对纪念Steve 和所有与他有关的一切,是个十分美好的礼赞。



Via i黑马 By inside