2012-12-21 17:29

对于价格操纵者来说最近着实令人惶恐不安。那些据称操纵伦敦银行同业拆借利率(London Interbank Offered Rate,简称LIBOR)的银行正等待着监管机构对它们的惩戒。价值800万亿,这是迄今为止被操纵的最大的市场。今夏巴克莱银行受到的了惩罚,紧随其后而来的罚单对其它利率操纵银行来说估计仅有咫尺之遥;本周监管机构逮捕了首批与LIBOR丑闻有关的嫌疑人员。其它垄断利益集【1】亦有理由对此感到心神不宁。LIBOR操纵案为竞争监管当局如何使用价格数据来监察市场提供了一个绝佳的案例,使它们能够迅速地察觉到即便是小范围内的企业串通勾结现象。

一个绝好的反常理现象——本福德定律【2】——可以用来作为一种辨明定价伎俩的法门。通用电气公司(General Electric)的物理学家弗兰克•本福德(Frank Benford)在1938年发表的一篇论文中指出了一种出现在大量数据集的数字规律。在数以万计的数据度量中,其中包括了3,259个不同的人口分布数据和741关于企业成本的数据源,他发现首位数(比如说,数字3,259中的3,741中的7)并非如人们想象的那样呈均匀分布。首位数遵循这样一个规律:数字1出现的频率最高,而数字9最低。



这项检测同样也适用于LIBOR。纽约大学斯特恩商学院(New York University’s Stern School of Business)教授罗莎•阿布兰特什-梅斯(Rosa Abrantes-Metz)以及加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)教授索菲亚•薇拉思-博厄斯(Sofia Villas-Boas)和乔治•嘉杰(George Judge)详加分析了LIBOR在连续6个月的窗口期内的数据,并且发现LIBOR悖离本福德规律的可能性远远高于其他基准利率。远在这些相互勾结的银行中的一家选择坦白其存在不法行为之前,快速本福德测试都应当可以指出LIBOR数据存在的异常现象。



在2006年的一篇论文中,阿布兰特什-梅斯教授、范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)教授卢克•弗吕博(Luke Froeb)、爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)教授约翰•葛维克(John•Geweke)以及美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)经济学家克里斯托弗•泰勒(Christopher Taylor )使用上世纪八十年代末出售给美军基地的鲜鱼价格对该理论进行了回测。当时垄断利益集团垄断操纵了鳕鱼,鲽鱼,黑线鳕鱼和鲈鱼市场。当它们支配市场的时,鲈鱼价格异常的稳定。但是当供应商开始相互竞争的时,价格下跌了16%并且变得起伏不定,这反映出鲜鱼批发价格的波动(见右图)。一篇研究墨西哥非专利药品制造商垄断利益集团的论文中也出现了类似的情形。



映射数据的运用能够完善这些测试方法。格罗宁根大学(Groningen University)的皮姆•荷简(Pim Heijnen)和马克•汉(Marco Haan)与阿姆斯特丹大学(Amsterdam University)的阿德里安•苏伊特伊万特(Adriaan •Soetevent)在2012年的一篇论文中分析了荷兰约3,300家加油站的地理位置数据和价格数据。他们首先计算了汽油价格的分布并且将价格最稳定的加油站标注为有操纵定价嫌疑。接下来他们使用了地理数据和地图。如果平抑价格的原因是合法的(比如说,懒惰的经理),那么有嫌疑的加油站应该是随机分布在全国各地。但事实并非如此。稳定的定价模式常常密集地出现,这表明了当地加油站相互串通起来制定油气的价格。以这种方式使用数据的前景极为乐观。但唯一的难题是:监管机构发现问题的“道”高了一尺,可垄断利益集团在掩盖行为方面的“魔”也定会高出一丈。


“The Law of Anomalous Numbers”, by Frank Benford, Proceedings of the American Philosophy Society 78, 551-572 (1938)

“A Variance Screen for Collusion”, by Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Luke Froeb, John Geweke, Christopher Taylor, International Journal of Industrial Organisation, Volume 24, Issue 3, May 2006, Pages 467–486

“Tracking the Libor Rate”, by Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Sofia Villas-Boas, and George Judge,Applied Economics Letters (2011)

“Fact and Fiction in EU-Governmental Economic Data”, by Bernhard Rauch, Max Göttsche, Gernot Brähler and Stefan Engel, German Economic Review, Volume 12, Issue 3, pages 243–255

“Screening for Collusion: A Spatial Statistics Approach”, by Pim Heijnen, Marco Haany and Adriaan Soeteventz, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers (2012)

"Mexican Experience in Screens for Bid-Rigging", Carlos Mena-Labarthe, CPI Antitrust Chronicle (2012)


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A cartel is a formal agreement among competing firms. It's a formal organization where there is a small number of sellers and usually involve homogeneous products. Cartel members may agree on such matters as price fixing, total industry output, market shares, allocation of customers, allocation of territories, bid rigging, establishment of common sales agencies, and the division of profits or combination of these. The aim of such collusion (also called the cartel agreement) is to increase individual members' profits by reducing competition.

One can distinguish private cartels from public cartels. In the public cartel a government is involved to enforce the cartel agreement, and the government's sovereignty shields such cartels from legal actions. Inversely, private cartels are subject to legal liability under the antitrust laws now found in nearly every nation of the world. Furthermore, the purpose of private cartels is to benefit only those individuals who constitute it, public cartels, in theory, work to pass on benefits to the populace as a whole.

Competition laws often forbid private cartels. Identifying and breaking up cartels is an important part of the competition policy in most countries, although proving the existence of a cartel is rarely easy, as firms are usually not so careless as to put collusion agreements on paper.

Several economic studies and legal decisions of antitrust authorities have found that the median price increase achieved by cartels in the last 200 years is around 25%. Private international cartels (those with participants from two or more nations) had an average price increase of 28%, whereas domestic cartels averaged 18%. Fewer than 10% of all cartels in the sample failed to raise market prices.


Benford's law, also called the first-digit law, refers to the frequency distribution of digits in many (but not all) real-life sources of data. In this distribution, the number 1 occurs as the first digit about 30% of the time, while larger numbers occur in that position less frequently, with larger numbers occurring less often: 9 as the first digit less than 5% of the time. This distribution of first digits is the same as the widths of gridlines on a logarithmic scale. Benford's law also concerns the expected distribution for digits beyond the first, which approach a uniform distribution.

This result has been found to apply to a wide variety of data sets, including electricity bills, street addresses, stock prices, population numbers, death rates, lengths of rivers, physical and mathematical constants, and processes described by power laws (which are very common in nature). It tends to be most accurate when values are distributed across multiple orders of magnitude.

The graph to the right shows Benford's law for base 10. There is a generalization of the law to numbers expressed in other bases (for example, base 16), and also a generalization to second digits and later digits.

It is named after physicist Frank Benford, who stated it in 1938, although it had been previously stated by Simon Newcomb in 1881.


A system used to test a trading strategy in which a specially designed computer program is used to examine the success of a series of hypothetical trades after the fact. Backtesting programs apply user-defined entry and exit criteria to historical data and execute simulated trades from which detailed profit and loss statistics are generated.

more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backtest

Via i黑马 By 经济学人 译者:坏娃娃